Friday, October 12, 2012


Thanks for sending from my favourite! Love it. :)

Swap- Sidolix

I love the nature postcard! Hannes is so nice to send me a nature postcard with nature stamp! Thanks! :D

Swap- ceruleanmind

Nad is so nice! She knows I love nature postcard and she sent this card for me! I really love it! Thank you so much! :D xx

Poon- Hong Kong

I receive this postcard from my friend, Poon! :D Thank you. hahahahahaa


I don't mind to receive an ad-postcard, but please at least send me a interesting one. No real stamp even.. :(


Awwwwww, a bit scared by the postcard.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sam(Farbug)- Taiwan

The Almond Blossom Fairy

many stamps! :P

Thanks for sending me a nice postcard with different stamps! I really love the illustration! It's my honor to meet you! Wahhhhhhhhhahahaha :D By the way, I must say it again- you have great handwriting! "Jealous die me!" Hahahahohoho!

Kelvin- Taiwan

Sun Moon Lake

My friend, Kelvin, sent me this postcard during his trip to Taiwan! :)