Saturday, March 9, 2013

Message to all the visitors.

Hi all,

Thanks for visiting my blog. :) I'm going to face my university entrance exam. The first subject that is the Cantonese Oral Exam will be held on 20th March and my first paper exam will be held on 5th April. I'm really worried about my exams and I study about 10 hours at library every day which made me feel very  exhausted. :(

I'm really sorry to tell I may not able to update the blog in this 2 months! :( Sell you guys after my exams! *Oush* Good luck to meeeeee! :'(

Best wishes to you all and myself!
lok xxxx

Thank you card from Junko! (HK-117400)

Lovely postcard and stamp (I love pooh to a certain extent) from Junko!  Thanks! :)




Jessica is so nice that considering my interest and also sent me 2 extra tea bags! :)

