Thursday, August 30, 2012

"Hong Kong Delicacies" Special Stamps

3D postcards

New stamps

Special Stamps - "Hong Kong Delicacies" is issued today :)
$1.4 - Egg Tart and Milk Tea
$2.4 - Wonton Noodles
$3    -  Roast Goose
$5    - Fresh Seafood
I love the $1.4 n $2.4 stamps the most since I love those food the most :P  Yummmm!

I will become poorer and poorer very soon!:S :\
*I copy the photos from the HKPOST since I can't scan the postcards as well as the official (and I'm lazy too :P).

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Swap- gran7

Yeah! I received the fabulous envelope with awesome gold medal winners' stamps from the UK! Really thanks gran7 swapping with me! :D It's also my first time to receive the PHQ postcards! *YOYO*

Japan n other countries RR #N94- sakura39

Mt. Fuji at 1954

Penpal letter

Philis - Singapore

Lena - Poland

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Nice stamps and nice envelope
Thanks so much for the awesome stamps and nice postcard!


#Little off topic#
I'm going to have a test tomorrow (yes- having a test in the summer holiday! *whack* ), it makes me feel SAD n ANNOYED! However, the nice postcards n stamps I received today really make my day! *Sigh* Back to the reality- I DONT want to study! Arrrrrr!


A fabulous handmade postcard- I do appreciate handmade! The sender really put lots of effort to make me a fav! Love the stamps on the front and the Little My stamp on the back! Great!

HK to the world tag- kasandra

oh my gosh! This postcard and stamps really surprised me! I enjoy the architectures and of course the amazing Olympics' stamps! Thanks so much!


'eet je mee'- What does it mean?

Click the photo to see the large size

My first postcrossing stamp and it's a very nice stamp with "Hong 香港 Kong".

Swap- Genesio

A very special trumpet stamp.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Olympics 2012 FDC from Russia

Awesome FDC, isn't it? Thanks, kaduin.  :)

#Maybe a bit OFF TOPIC#
When the postman delivered this registered letter to me, I wasn't at home so I need to go to the post office to take it by myself in the following day.

The first time, I forgot to bring my ID card with me therefore I went back home to take the ID card and went to the post office again. *sad*

Okay, the second time. The postman asked me, 'Why people will send this to your?' .. Seems he didn't believe the receiver is me even he checked my name with my ID card. My feeling was 'huh? why not? Why people can't send this to me?' then I answered him since I swapped with other and blah blah blah..

Is that I am too young so people can't believe I do snail mail with other? I know not much teens in Hong Kong will send snail mails or postcards but the truth is I DID! *SAD FACE*

Monday, August 13, 2012

Swap- Regine

Vik Muniz. Narcissus, after Caravaggio. 2005
Gift from Regine
Thanks so much! I really love the stamps! yay :P