Friday, August 17, 2012

Olympics 2012 FDC from Russia

Awesome FDC, isn't it? Thanks, kaduin.  :)

#Maybe a bit OFF TOPIC#
When the postman delivered this registered letter to me, I wasn't at home so I need to go to the post office to take it by myself in the following day.

The first time, I forgot to bring my ID card with me therefore I went back home to take the ID card and went to the post office again. *sad*

Okay, the second time. The postman asked me, 'Why people will send this to your?' .. Seems he didn't believe the receiver is me even he checked my name with my ID card. My feeling was 'huh? why not? Why people can't send this to me?' then I answered him since I swapped with other and blah blah blah..

Is that I am too young so people can't believe I do snail mail with other? I know not much teens in Hong Kong will send snail mails or postcards but the truth is I DID! *SAD FACE*


  1. I guess many people don't even know that people still send real letters (and swaps) through snail mail nowadays. Maybe the person at your post office was just curious? My mailman knows me cause I'm the only one in our area who receives letters, postcards and packages from all over the world. ;-)

    By the have a nice blog! :) I'd be happy if you'd visit mine:

    Greetings from Maine (USA) :)

    1. Hello. Thanks for the comment. :) I visited your blog- it's good and I love your DIY envelopes! x
